Josiff Cujoh

Student of white magic, Student of Baldesion, and student of life.

Primal DC, Famfrit character profile.

After losing his mother during the Calamity at the Battle of Cartenau, Josiff, formerly J’vhafi Navu, took up the practice of white magic, eventually leading him down a path of scholarly pursuits in Sharlayan alongside the Students of Baldesion.He now roams Eorzean lands and beyond in an attempt to nurture the budding relationship between them and the nation of Sharlayan, returning his knowledge and compassion to those he can along the way.

Josiff Cujoh

Student of white magic, Student of Baldesion, and student of life.

1) In Need of Healing - Got an injury? Need a bit more attention than a simple bandage and a good night's sleep? Josiff is always looking to put his studies into practice and use his magic for good. He wouldn't turn away a person in need, even at a detriment to himself.2) Seeker of Knowledge - Josiff's primary passion in life is for learning, and it's usually easy to tell him apart from the crowd as one hailing from Sharlayan. He's always willing to share his own knowledge, as well as learn from others, whether it's over a cup of tea, or on a grand adventure.3) Mistaken Identity - If your character served at the Battle of Cartenau, there's a good chance they may have mistaken Josiff for his father, who served alongside his fellow Ul'dahn soldiers. As he looks eerily similar to his father, he's not unaccustomed to being recognized, which has left him a great curiosity for war stories and tales of battle.More to come, but if you've got an idea not listed here, I'm all ears!

Josiff Cujoh

Student of white magic, Student of Baldesion, and student of life.

Thanks for checking out my character profile! I've been a D&D/Pathfinder player for a long time, but I'm relatively new to RP in FF14, so forgive me if I struggle with something. Also, I love running content in general, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need another for a dungeon, raid, anything really!1) Even if my RP tag isn't on when you find me, I'm always down to hop into character! Just send me a tell and let me know you're interested.2) I'm mainly interested in worldbuilding and character interactions when it comes to RP. Meet-and-greets or short scenes are always great, but if you have an idea for something meatier or longer-term, don't hesitate!3) I do have a few hooks/ideas for RPing with Josiff, but I love hearing your ideas and trying new things! My hook list is absolutely NOT the end-all, be-all of what I'd like to do with my character.

Josiff Cujoh

Student of white magic, Student of Baldesion, and student of life.

Fast Facts
Name: Josiff Cujoh
Age: 28
Height: 5'6"-ish
Relationship: Single
Born and raised in the Sagolii Desert.
Became a Conjurer following the death of his mother and his father returning from the Battle of Cartenau.
Met a former Sharlayan Forum member named Jonvald, fell under his wing to train as a White Mage.
Completed coursework at the Studium and graduated with high marks.
Took up sabbatical work with the Students of Baldesion, building relationships in Eorzea to improve communication between the two nations.
Currently living and working full-time in Eorzea, managing a clinic in Shirogane.
Full Backstory
Born to father J'aviir and mother E’maya Navu, Josiff was born as young J’vhafi Navu, part of a small Miqo’te tribe living off the land in the Sagolii Desert. The tribe chose to live in isolation of the nearby Children of the Sand, fearing that greater numbers would one day attract the ire of invading forces, a truth that would come to pass years down the road when the Garlean Empire unleashed its hunger for conquest upon Eorzea.
In spite of this separation, J’vhafi’s family could not escape the coming Calamity. A’viir and E’maya, swayed by the beliefs of Louisoix Leveilleur, joined the Grand Company of Ul’dah and took the fight directly to the Garleans. In the wake of the Calamity, J’vhafi’s father eventually returned to the Sagolii Desert, but without his lovely wife, who met her end at Cartenau.J’vhafi’s relationship with his father was unsurprisingly complicated following his return from Cartenau. A’viir refused to speak of the battle itself, which meant that J’vhafi did not learn of the true conclusion of the battle between Louisoix and Bahamut until much later in life. Though A’viir was never outright abusive to his son, he grew incredibly distant and cold, choosing to spend most of his days watching over his wife’s grave overlooking the former battlefield rather than acknowledging his son.In spite of the losses he suffered, young J’vhafi took the Archon’s words and actions to heart, dedicating himself to studies of the arcane and attuning himself to the very elements around him. His studies led him to journeying further and further across the realm, eventually choosing to become a member of the Conjurer’s Guild, studying under guildmaster E-Sumi-Yan.
J’vhafi’s prowess for the arcane far outpaced his fellow Conjurers, and was soon steered towards the path of White Magic by his tutor. The young Miqo’te man dedicated himself to these studies, vowing to never again see another perish underfoot of the Garleans, and the other dangers that lurked across Eorzea, and throughout the entire star.
After embarking on the path of the White Mage, J’vhafi found his first true test deep within the forests of the Black Shroud. While traveling for official guild business, the Miqo’te happened upon a elderly Hyur man that had been attacked by a pack of wolves and suffered egregious wounds. After fending off the creatures, J’vhafi was able to tap into White Magic for the very first time and save the man, who soon introduced himself as Jonvald Cujoh, a resident of Sharlayan and former member of the Forum.Witnessing his aptitude and resonance with the natural energies around him, Jonvald offered to take the Miqo’te under his wing, offering him residence in Sharlayan where he could continue his studies amongst a community of lifelong learners and scholars. Upon accepting this offer, it was then that Jonvald bestowed the name Josiff upon his new pupil, with Josiff willingly taking the surname Cujoh out of respect for the generous offer.Josiff soon found himself working closely with the Students of Baldesion, an organization still undergoing reconstruction at the time he began to associate with them. In spite of their lacking numbers and struggling operations, he resonated with their particular interests in the study of Ascians and the Umbral Calamity. He of course heard the tales of the Eorzean Alliance’s rise to prominence, of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and of the legendary Warrior of Light.These grand tales inspired him to take his studies directly to the field, chasing whispers of adventures and grand battles across all of Eorzea and beyond. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to lend a helping and healing hand to those in need, Josiff wanders the world, clinging tightly to the hope that he can help others avoid the heartbreak he experienced…